Event - Manga & Cosplay festival 2022
Let's start with the links first and then some random thoughts?
There will be several sample images added to this post as the processing advances. Once finished ALL the pictures can be found here on Flickr. For updates of the progress & next events you can check the Facebook page. Some videoreels will follow on Clapper and on Instagram.
It was during a warm November month in the Osaka-region that I finally started appreciating Autumn and the warmth of it's colours. This year the extreme drought is giving September the first hint of those same colours. A perfect opportunity to visit the famous Japanese garden of Hasselt and reminisce about those days in Nara with the deer strolling through the parks and streets.. except in Hasselt it weren't deer posing for the cameras but cosplayers.
Yes; this was my weekend number 5 in a row with a costume event. The last one of this series because next weekend the events for work start again (The Sanicole Airshow is the kick-off and then some Pairi Daiza photo walks, so it's going to be another fun month).
How was the event?
Let's start by confirming that the Japanese Garden is one of my favorite Belgian costume fair locations (every Belgian city should have an exotic park like this!). Gorgeous spots, water and colours. Even when it's raining like in 2015 I sometimes decide to visit this festival just to wander around..but last Sunday was a perfect day of Indian Summer.. so I had to stop a few cosplayers. Only a few of the many. It must have been the sun & the heat that made them all super-willing to pose. Luckily they all had dope costumes.
However, I did feel rather silly for a second when a person whom I told that their costume should be in the cosplay catwalk competition suddenly was presented as cosplay judge. I really 100% suck at recognizing people.
Let's be honest: one visits this event for the location & the possibilities to make sweeter pictures than during an indoor fair. So on the level of creator-stands, foodies, size and activities this ranks much on-par with an event like Middel-Erde.
If you want to shop & shake hands with actors: FACTS! But I'm actually happier paying 6€ entry fee (the everyday fee to enter the Japanese garden) and enjoy the location than pay 23€-99€ for a shopping fair with boring gray walls (luckily sometimes I can get creative with lights).
Yes, the Elfias are also in gorgeous parks and have thousands of costumed visitors.. but that's now starting at 34€ per day + parking fees. So I'm very glad there's an event like this at 20km from my home.
More samples will follow soon - All photos will soon be here on Flickr
Clapper video 1
Clapper video 2
Clapper video 3
Clapper video 4