
Posts uit oktober, 2009 tonen

Do you want to be a greek god in a game?

Genesis of the Gods (PC) from Enter The Story Auditioning for gods and goddesses Enter The Story needs photos of ordinary people to use as gods and goddesses in the next game: Genesis of the Gods. Anyone can send in a photo. Still to be assigned: Zeus, Athena, Cratos, Persephone, Ares, Apollo, Hera, and 43 others. No purchase necessary. You don't need to be a gamer. You don't need to dress up - even a single face shot will do. Genesis of the Gods is based on Hesiod's Theogony (the original Greek creation myth). Anyone who sends in a photo and passes the simple rules (mainly to ensure they own the photo and agree to its use) will be guaranteed to become a character in the game. The best fifty photos will become gods or goddesses, others will be used in later stories. Submitters can influence the decision in their favor - see details below. The developer's decision is final. This is a unique chance to become immortal (in a game at least!) Full details, examples, and where...

Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival

Van 2 t.e.m. 8 november 2009 vindt in Brugge voor de tweede maal het Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival plaats. Het filmfestival - voor alle liefhebbers van thrillers, fantasy, absurde humor, manga, gore en horror - kondigt vandaag met trots hun programmatie aan. Met haar 2 wereldpremières, 3 Europese premières en 19 Belgische premières en een tiental gasten, waaronder Tom Felton uit Harry Potter, regisseur Tom Reeve van de film Holy Water en regisseur Paco Plaza van [REC]2, is Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival uitgegroeid tot een heus festival. Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival is echter niet enkel bestemd voor de liefhebbers van het genre, maar wil het fantasy en thriller genre openstellen voor een breed publiek. Het festival opent op maandag 2 november met de film The Children , een film van Tom Shankland, die eerder ook Waz met Stellan Skargsgard maakte. Andere aanraders zijn: Karma : Crime, Passion and Reincarnation , een sfeervolle Indische thriller die u meermaals op het punt...

Uncharted 2-ravijn in Mechelen

Hangend aan een afgrond, lijkt het alsof de voorbijgangers van het voetpad dreigen te vallen in de diepte van een ravijn...Deze adembenemende scène werd door de bekende straatkunstenaar Matthew May geschilderd in de Mechelse Geitestraat. Een 3D-tekening, van het pas gelanceerde PlayStationspel Uncharted 2 wordt zo in de kijker geplaatst. Het hoofdpersonage van het avonturenspel voor PS3 wordt afgebeeld in een spannende scène. Locatie: Geitestraat 22, 2800 Mechelen (ter hoogte van Free record Shop)

Overlijdensbericht Patrick Vyncke

Diep bedroefd zijn wij, dat veel te vroeg, vol met plannen en idealen, onverwacht op 19 oktober 2009 Patrick Vyncke is overleden. Hij is maar 51 jaar geworden. Patrick was Managing Director Sony Computer Entertainment Benelux en voor velen onder ons Mr. PlayStation. Wij zullen zijn altijd sprankelende, vrolijke en open persoonlijkheid bijzonder gaan missen. Patrick startte bij PlayStation in 1998 na een succesvolle lange carrière bij Sony Electronics. Iedereen die met hem heeft samengewerkt binnen en buiten het bedrijf zal hem herinneren als de opgewekte doorzetter met een no-nonsense visie. Aztek-TV wenst vrienden en kennissen van Patrick veel sterkte bij dit verlies. In het bijzonder gaan onze gedachten en medeleven uit naar zijn vrouw, kinderen en overige naaste familie.

Premiere Reiki the movie tijdens Razorreel Fantastic Film Festival

DREAM JOURNEY STUDIOS PRESENTEERT: EERSTE BELGISCHE ACTION-FANTASY FILM REIKI THE MOVIE Op woensdag 4 november a.s. gaat, tijdens het "Razorreel Fantastic Film Festival Brugge", om 20.00 uur de eerste Action-Fantasy feature film van Belgische bodem: Reiki The Movie in première. Plaats: Cinema Zwart Huis (ook bekend als Cinema Liberty) Kuipersstraat 23, 8000 Brugge Na op 19 mei j.l. op het Filmfestival van Cannes gedraaid te hebben, gaat ?Reiki The Movie? nu in België in première. De Engelstalige film, geschreven en geregisseerd door de jonge (27), van oorsprong Portugese Pedro Chaves, werd gefilmd met een budget van slechts 6000 euro, in een recordtijd van 10 dagen. Op de première zullen naast de, zeer internationale, cast en crew (onder andere Martin Swabey en Davide d'Urbano), diverse BV's aanwezig zijn, waaronder Eric van Looy (regisseur Loft), Brahim (Idool), Antony Arandia (acteur Sara) en Mel Hartman (auteur De Fantasiejagers reeks) De film was al vertegenwoord...

Steampunk exhibition

13 October 2009 to 21 February 2010 We present the world’s first exhibition of Steampunk art! Imagine the technology of today with the aesthetic of Victorian science. From redesigned practical items to fantastical contraptions, this exhibition, curated by Art Donovan, showcases the work of eighteen Steampunk artists from across the globe. Expect ’steam-powered’ computer mice, clockwork hearts, brass goggles and the latest state-of-the-Steampunk-art eye-pod… A programme of Steampunk-related events will run alongside the exhibition – pick up a leaflet from the Museum or download a copy here . Intriguing images and a full list of artists can be found on the exhibition’s official blog site: To coincide with the exhibition, Secondary School Art and D&T departments are invited to submit students’ work to The Great Steampunk Art and Design Competition! For more information about the competition download the leaflet here. There will also b...

L'Halloween Festival

Depuis plus de dix ans, le Musée d'Art Fantastique anime le quartier Ma Campagne grâce à son Halloween Festival, un événement familial incontournable. L'Halloween Festival est un événement qui s'adresse aux plus jeunes pour lesquels nous mettons en place une énigme au sein du musée ''A la recherche des crânes perdus'', mais aussi aux plus grands puisqu'une exposition présentant l'historique de la Fête d'Halloween ainsi qu'une visite de la collection permanente du Musée d'Art Fantastique sont également au programme. De plus, chaque année, nous proposons une énigme inédite qui, une fois résolue, vous donnera accès à la mystérieuse Chambre des Secrets où vous recevrez votre diplôme de sorcier ou de sorcière. Et pour vous remettre de vos émotions, vous pourrez déguster de la potion maléfique, du jus de limaces ou de la soupe aux potirons dans notre cafétéria. Les déguisements et grimages sont bien sûr les bienvenus ! Ouvert du samedi 31 octob...

Atlantica Online - new content & level 130

Level-Cap Increase and New Mercenary Class Enhance the Vibrant World of Atlantica Online Players March Towards Level 130 with the Addition of Van Gogh's Gallery Ndoors Interactive stated that with their latest update, the level cap for their strategic MMORPG Atlantica Online has increased from 120 to 130. As players strive towards this goal, they’ll have a variety of new content at their fingertips, including a new mercenary class and two new dungeons to explore. Additionally, the game is receiving new equipment and an updated craft system. The universe of Atlantica Online continues to expand, upholding the game’s status as the best-reviewed free-to-play online game of the year. Minstrel Paganini is the second of Atlantica Online’s three new mercenaries, following last month’s Hwarang. Paganini is the first mercenary who can use any type of instrument found in the game. She seeks to avenge her parents, who were cruelly murdered by gangsters, and reclaim their box of keepsakes. Wh...

Slabovia spills Guts

Last Communist state in Europe announces First iPhone title Slabovia, the last communist dictatorship in Europe, has announced details of its first state-mandated iPhone title. GUTS employs cutting-edge 8-bit game design principles to reconstruct the miraculous story of a desperate medical mission to save General Schmerdiakov, Slabovia’s cruel yet loveable dictator. Taking the form of 11 levels, each taking place in a different part of the general’s body, GUTS re-tells the spectacular success of two Slabovian citizens shrunk to microscopic size in order to combat The General’s wide range of ailments from within – largely owing to unhealthy living and extreme old age. Players take the role of Kierky and Neitzche as they fantastically voyage through organs and blood vessels to save Slabovia’s glorious leader. Designed and created in cooperation with Tag Games, a first for the state of Slabovia, GUTS will also feature a rousing 8-bit soundtrack from reknowned producer and DJ Si Begg (i...

The Elves have landed

Wayland Games are proud to announce the eagerly-awaited arrival of the first stocks of Mantic Games' excellent Kings of War 28mm-miniatures! The Elves have landed in force, and are occupying the warehouse. And they are offering free shipping worldwide for Mantic Games purchases! So swing by and check them out...

National Halloween, Haunters, and Horror Convention 2010

National Halloween, Haunters, and Horror Convention! It is with great anticipation that we send this missive to inform you of THE NATIONAL HALLOWEEN, HORROR, AND HAUNTED HOUSE CONVENTION April 29th to May 2nd, 2010. This will be the gathering of like minded enthusiasts of all things that are creepy, scary, horrific and go bump in the night. We are seeking people to come and be vendors. People to come and wear their character on their sleeves whether it be for the fun of it or because that is who they really are deep inside. People who are curious. People who need a new source of body parts, animatronics, masks and costumes for their creations in their commercial haunted attraction or home haunt. People who are just seeking people to share thoughts, ideas, or who knows what ... everything that's haunted and horrorific and halloween inspired. Come to Valley Forge, PA. If this email has come to you unwanted and unbidden, please pardon our enthusiasm. To remove your name from the cas...

FACTS 2009 - overview

With only 2 more weeks to go, it's time for an update: Guests: 1. Actors * Kevin Sorbo ( Hercules, Xena, Andromeda, Meet the Spartans ,...) ONLY ON SATURDAY! * Christopher Judge ( Stargate's Teal'c, Magneto's voice in X-Men Evolution ,...) * Marc Singer ( Beastmaster, V, Dragonquest, Lancelot guardian of time ,...) * Leah Cairns ( Battlestar Galactica, Supernatural, Sanctuary ,...) * Jimmy Jean-Louis ( Heroes, Tears of the sun, The shield, Emmanuelle ,...) * Lou Ferringo (Hulk,...) cancelled 2. Artists Arthur Suydam, Linsner, Eva Hopkins, Glenn Fabry, Philippe Briones, Simon Bisley, Andy Brown, Fabrice Angleraud, Jorg de Vos, Minck Oosterveer, Romano Molenaar, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Cebulski - Lectrr - Mauricet - Chantal Snackey - Mario Boon (Pulp Deluxe) - Kristof Spaey - Mauro Padovani - Sedat - Mangafique - Windmill Comics - Aardappel Comics EK cosplay competition: The winner of the FACTS-cosplay competition in the category individual, anime/manga/videogame will repr...

Zombie driver (PC)

ZOMBIE DRIVER - TURN ON THE WIPERS AND HIT THE GAS! EXOR Studios is announcing the Zombie Driver game for the PC EXOR Studios, an independent game development company is proud to announce its first commercial PC title - Zombie Driver™ - an action driving game with a top down perspective and a dynamic helicopter chase camera. Fight your way through the streets of a zombie infested city to save the survivors of a disastrous chemical accident that changed most of the city's population into mindless brain hungry monsters. Time is your enemy and your car is your weapon as you race through the streets smashing everything on your way including fences, phone booths, street lamps and hordes of zombies. When the gruesomely mutated zombies become too much to handle, buy a new car or get more guns and upgrades installed. You can earn more money for finishing side quests, making kill combos and searching for hidden prizes. Game play is unrestricted and the player can freely roam through the dar...

28mm Highland dwarves

After a couple of teething problems, the six packs of Highland Dwarfs for Black Hat Miniatures' 28mm Shattered Isles fantasy range are now available: SHD001 Highland Dwarf Command (3) SHD002 Highland Dwarfs with swords (4) SHD003 Highland Dwarfs with Guns (4) SHD004 Highland Dwarfs with polearms (4) SHD005 Haggis Herder and 4 War Haggis (5) [see picture] SHD006 War Haggises (6) All packs are £5.00 GBP. Orders & images

Atomic cafe 1957

Brigade Games has released two new packs of 28mm miniatures for their upcoming post-apocalyptic game called Atomic Cafe 1957. BG-AC5004 - The Roller Girls (5) And what a coincidence that a movie about a roller girl team was released on October 2nd. For those who attended Historicon , since Paul Hicks (sculptor) attended, he had the Mooseketeers as works-in-progress sculpts in the display cabinet. BG-AC5003 - The Mooseketeer Club led by Marvin Moose (5) The rules for Atomic Cafe 1957, written by our good friends at Rattrap Productions, will be available in early November, debuting at Fall In in Gettysburg. Read more about the game here . Source: Brigade games press release