Warhammer, Mark of Chaos - Battle March
Character Profiles: Dark Elves
Ancient and deadly, the dragons of Naggaroth are reared by the Beastmasters and are amongst the most powerful creatures in all the lands. They can breathe forth a noxious cloud of corrosive fumes that burns skin and causes any who breathe it to choke and die. Only the greatest lords amongst the Dark Elves ride atop the massive Black Dragons of Naggaroth which, even alone, have the power to destroy an army.
Dark Elf Spearmen
Citizen-warriors of Naggaroth are most commonly armed with long, heavy bladed spears, and they are uniformly well drilled in their usage. Each warrior is highly skilled and has reactions far superior to those of lesser races, and through near constant warfare and training, the citizen-warriors of Naggaroth are more than a match for the professional soldiers of other races.
Harpies are feral winged creatures possessed of a savage, primeval beauty. Some claim they are the souls of slain Witch Elves given form, others that they are the manifestation of Khaine in his aspect of the predator. They are creatures of Khaine, that is for sure, for they delight in the tormenting of their victims and feast upon raw flesh.
The noble Highborn are the ruling elite of Naggaroth, and it is they who often lead the armies of conquest against the lesser races. They are haughty, noble and their training in the arts of war is second to none. Equipped with the finest of Dark Elf arms and armour, they are fearsome foes on the field of battle.
High Sorceress
The High Sorceresses are the most powerful practitioners of the Dark Arts in all of Naggaroth bar the Witch King himself, and they wield terrifying powers. They are incredibly adept at manipulating the Winds of Magic in their rawest, most destructive form, channel-ling energies that would destroy lesser beings into powerful spells that can lay waste to enemy armies.
Claimed as a babe by the bloody Witch Elf priestesses of Khaine, the infant Kaeleth was offered up to Khaine, the god of murder, and plunged ritualistically into a Cauldron of Blood. Initiated into the Temple of Khaine, the young Dark Elf was raised as an Assassin, and over the centuries has become a master of death.
One of the Witch King's most feared assassins, Kaeleth is a master of blades, poison and the darkness, and he is capable of infiltrating the enemy, slaying his target and making his escape without trace. But it is not just the foes of the Dark Elves that must fear him – for Malekith uses Kaeleth to silence any Dark Elf foolish enough to question his authority.
Bitter and fuelled by hatred, Lilaeth is a member of the dark convents of the sorceresses – a mistress of the Dark Arts. As are all Sorceresses she is wedded to Malekith the Witch King, and studied many years to master the channelling of the raw Winds of Magic that flow across the land. For centuries she has served the Witch King, and she commands devastatingly destructive magic.
When the Witch King launched a war against his hated High Elf kin, Lilaeth fought at his side, leading a splinter army that pushed deep into Ulthuan. This war was eventually repelled, and Lilaeth's army was shattered. At the mercy of the High Elf mage Aurelion, Lilaeth's life was spared that she may face the wrath of the Witch King.
Malekith has given her one chance to redeem her failure, and to seek her vengeance on the High Elves.
About Warhammer®: Battle March™:

About Warhammer®: Mark of Chaos - Battle March™:

Source: Namco Bandai Press release