
Posts uit maart, 2007 tonen

Stargate Online Trading Card Game (TCG)

Stargate Online Trading Card Game (TCG) Fact Sheet Launching simultaneously in both digital and tabletop versions, the Stargate Trading Card Game is based on the popular science-fiction television series. The debut set, Stargate SG-1, features robust organized play support and a physical redemption program called "Through the Gate," where players collect a full set of a particular expansion of digital cards and will in turn redeem that digital set for a set of corresponding physical cards. The Stargate TCG immerses players in the vibrant Stargate universe as they assemble their favorite SG characters into teams and send them on missions throughout the galaxy. Breakthrough gameplay allows characters to "learn" from their successes and enhance their abilities as the game progresses. With three unique ways to win and nearly 300 cards in the initial set, players have an endless supply of strategies available as they take on alternating roles of both heroes and villains...

Massive Assault Network 2 Demo

Afbeelding, Inc. announces the refined Demo version release of its turn-based strategy game Massive Assault Network 2 ( MAN 2). The Demo can be downloaded at: The FilePlanet Mirror is: MAN2 is an online strategy game featuring sci-fi conflicts on distant planets. The game is based on the legendary Massive Assault series from which it inherits original "Secret Allies" concept, streamlined turn-based gameplay, perfectly-balanced units, state-of-the art interface and endless replayability.The new Demo version is extremely refined and provides a quantity of new features and enhancements aiming to make the process of gaming more addictive. It introduces the new rating system, which is totally different from the previous one and tends to bring marvelous experience to each gamer. Besides, the Demo version is performance-optimized and simplifi...

Trolls-et-Legendes ( 7 + 8 april)

De affiche van Trolls-et-Legendes in Mons wordt steeds indrukwekkender. Deze 2e editie van de Paasfantasyconventie (7+8 april) had al een leuke line-up qua RPG/wargame-activiteiten dankzij de presentatie van Asmodée zijn Helldorado en de Rackham Open . Uiteraard zullen ook andere gamepublishers, -winkels en -clubs hun opwachting maken en verwachten we een grote aanwezigheid op het gebied van Larpers, maar de conventie wordt nu nog wijder opengetrokken. Eregast is de Tolkienillustrator Alan Lee . Er komen projecties van kortfilms & een berg anime. Stripauteurs komen signeren. Enkele namen: Bosse, Brazao, Darasse, Dubois, Dupré, Fourquemin, Genêt, Hausman, Swolfs, Tasiaux, Verhaeghe ,... Romanschrijvers zullen hun werk presenteren. Fantasy-Horror-SF-auteurs uit België, Frankrijk en the Uk met ondermeer: Stan Nicholls, Veronique Bacci, Rose Beryl, Sire Cédric, Michel Rozenberg ,... In hun kielzog trekken kleine uitgevers en fanzines hun boekenstands op. Waaronder: Colexia, Faiseurs E...

Hordes - Cyclops Brute

Skorne rely upon Cyclops Brutes to hold the flanks of formations or stand vigil over tyrants. These creatures' tenacious and vicious nature makes them singularly responsive to training. Armed with towering shields and massive pole arms, Brutes constitute a virtually insurmountable threat on the battlefield. Their unique vision focuses on evading blows, and they can extend this power to those they ward. (c) Privateer Press

AT-43 - First Hekat Golgoth encounter...

Sergeant, an unidentified object is heading towards us at high speed! Give me details! Its mass is equivalent to a type 1 frame, but it is a lot faster. If it maintains its speed, we can estimate that it will make contact with our rearguard in 75 seconds. Call them. And get me a visual! Sergeant, its speed has increased! I´ve got radio contact with the rearguard, sir: An unidentified golgoth has collided with our flank and sliced our TacArm unit! It is plowing through our ranks and homing on us. (c) Rackham / AT-43

Japanimation Day

Op paasmaandag 9 april zal Aztek-TV aanwezig zijn op de manga market van Japanimation Day in het kader van het 25e Bifff (Tour & Taxis, Brussel). We zullen er niet enkel de aanwezige cosplayers op foto zetten, maar brengen hele getalenteerde kunstenaars mee die hun doujinshi-kunsten zullen botvieren. Ore-Sama zal uiteraard van de partij zijn, maar we hopen eveneens jonge talenten zoals Rogue-Chan, Nayoh, Lisu-Chan, Mikie en [M]ortal [K]ombat te mogen verwelkomen zodat ze jullie met hun art kunnen overweldigen. Hun prachtige inzendingen voor de Aztek-TV tekenwedstrijd zijn nog steeds te bewonderen in de galerij. Naast de manga market (vanaf 10u), de cosplaywedstrijd om 15u en de vele anime (de ganse namiddag), kan er vanaf 22u in de concertzaal ook genoten worden van: The Shabu-Shabu Sound System with [Very] Mash'ta vs The Aktivist (Live)Visuals by .joug Happening by Shimura Mitsiko + Nabemono Electro Bento Party by DJ Miyu Inschrijven voor de cosplaywedstrijd kan nog tem 4 ...

Resultaten Aztek-TV tekenwedstrijd

Jullie stemmen zijn geteld. Waar de plaatsen 1 en 2 snel duidelijk waren, bezorgde de 3e plaats ons heel veel hoofdpijn. Maar liefst 4 tekeningen kregen precies evenveel punten. De redactie besloot om na te kijken hoeveel personen een stem hadden uitgebracht voor elke tekening. De uiteindelijke laureaat kreeg 166 voorkeurstemmen achter zijn naam, net iets meer dan de anderen. Miss Aztek-TV 2007 is geworden: nr. 13 Battle Rituals door Lacus De eredames zijn geworden: nr. 20 Azteekse krijgster door Syllie nr. 22 Jaguar warrior door Kocas Proficiat! Zij krijgen hun geschenkpakketten van Siemens Mobile en Dutch Filmworks spoedig thuisgestuurd. Gelukkig zijn er enkel winnaars bij Aztek-TV ! Alle andere kunstenaars worden voor hun prachtige werken beloond met ofwel een DVD van Dutch Filmworks , of een jaarabonnement op Aniway -magazine. We waren werkelijk verbaasd door de hoge kwaliteit van de ingezonden tekeningen en willen iedereen dan ook hartelijk bedanken en fe...

Belgian Rackham Open 2007

Tijdens Trolls-et-Legendes , het grote paasfeest voor de fantasyliefhebber in Mons, zal Rackham ism de Belgische Conf-Federatie en de Belgian Dogs of War een volledige showcase geven van al haar producten. Toernooien, demonstraties, initiaties, een schilderwedstrijd en ontmoetingen met de bedenkers & miniaturenmakers staan op het programma. Iedereen die gek is van Confrontation, Ragnarok, Hybrid, Cadwallon en AT-43, of er eens vrijblijvend meer over wil weten kan op 7 of 8 april best even afzakken naar de hoofdstad van Henegouwen. (Bekijk ook de Aztek-TV video's over AT-43)

The Glamorous Life Of Sachiko Hanai (Pinku Eigi op Bifff 2007)

The Glamorous Life Of Sachiko Hanai (2005) Directed by: Mitsuru Meike Sachiko Hanai works in a sexual role-play club, her speciality being the lusty private home tutor. One day, she inadvertently stumbles into a coffee shop where some suspicious-looking dealings are taking place between a North Korean and a Middle Eastern-looking man. Suddenly the North Korean draws a pistol and Sachiko is hit in the centre of her forehead. Remarkably, she gets up and wanders out into the street, not noticing the clerk put a strange metal canister into Sachiko’s bag. When she pushes the hole in her head, her mind is filled with strange visions. In an instant, Sachiko becomes able to understand foreign languages and to solve complex mathematic formulas. Meanwhile, the North Koreans are in search of the metal canister. It contains a replica of George Bush’s finger, which is capable of unleashing a devastating nuclear apocalypse. The Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai , an outrageously eccentric Japanese “Pi...

Programma-overzicht BIFFF 2007

Programma 25e Brussels Internationaal Festival van de Fantastische Film TOUR & TAXIS Iedere dag van 17u tem 03u gratis shuttledienst tussenT&T, Rogierplaats (Metro + Parking + Hotel Thon), Brouckère (metro + parking), Beurs (metro+ Hotel Marriott + parking), Noordstation Donderdag 5 april 20u Openingsspektakel Blue Art /Patricio Lagos 20u30 SUNSHINE (regie Danny Boyle, zijn 1e SF-film) Vrijdag 6 april 15u Festiv’ART 2007 vernissage 16u SPECIAL – Michael Rapaport, an ordinary psychotic superhero (regie H.Haberman). 18u NOS AMIS LES TERRIENS – Ils nous observent (regie Bernard Werber) 20u THE HOST (reg.Joon-Ho Bong) 22u PLANE DEAD – Fly the deadly skies (reg. Scott Thomas) 24u DOG BITE DOG (reg. P-S. Cheang) Zaterdag 7 april 13u 20e Internationale Bodypainting contest (defilé om 16u) 14u LIKE MINDS (reg. Gregory J.Read) 16u EXIT (reg. Peter Lindemark) 18u LA SCONOSCIUTA (reg. Giuseppe Tormatore) 20u THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2 (remake door Martin Weisz) 22u GRUESOME (reg. J...

In memoriam Yvan Delporte

Vandaag is de Belgische stripmaker Yvan Delporte overleden. Hij is het beste bekend als rechterhand van Franquin en hoofdredacteur van Spirou/Robbedoes-magazine tussen 1956 en 1968. Maar deze creatieve duizendpoot verzon ook zelf grappen voor bekende reeksen als Bollie en Billie, De Smurfen en Guust Flater. Alhoewel een minder bekende naam is deze non-conformist verantwoordelijk voor verschillende grote (r)evoluties op stripgebied tijdens de jaren '60 en velen kregen van hem hun eerste kansen. Een gigant van zijn generatie is heen gegaan. Karikatuur van Yvan Delporte (c) door Franquin

Ankama Games MMORPG: Wakfu!

In the continuity of the DOFUS phenomenon, Ankama Games presents the very first pictures and details of its next massively multiplayer video game on the website: . Ankama Games became internationally renowned thanks to its main title DOFUS that now counts more than 3 million players worldwide. Within three years, this massively multiplayer video game won prize after prize in the United States and in France, and has been the inspiration for mangas (5 volumes) and artbooks (2 volumes). After such a success, Ankama Games starts a new project: Wakfu. This game will be sitting right next to DOFUS on the Tactical MMORPG line. The presentation website of this new game has been launched on Monday 26 February, 2007. New contents will regularly added to it, as the project progresses. Wakfu is currently being produced. Ankama Games relies on its unique know-how to design and produce a quality title that will meet all the requirements of a vast community of players. Wakfu will be dis...

Albertaceratops Nesmoi

CLEVELAND (USA) A new dinosaur species was a plant-eater with yard-long horns over itseyebrows, suggesting an evolutionary middle step between older dinosaurs with evenlarger horns and the small-horned creatures that followed, experts said. The dinosaur's horns, thick as a human arm, are like those of triceratops — which came 10 million years later. However, this animal belonged to a subfamily that usually had bony nubbins a few inches long above their eyes. Michael Ryan, curator of vertebrate paleontology for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, published the discovery in this month's Journal of Paleontology. He dug up the fossil six years ago in southern Alberta, Canada, while a graduate student for the University of Calgary. " Unquestionably, it's an important find ," said Peter Dodson, a University of Pennsylvania paleontologist. " It was sort of the grandfather or great-uncle of thereally diverse horned dinosaurs that came after it ." Ryan named...

Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time collectable statue

Legend of Zelda Sheik Collectible Statue From First 4 Figures Who is Sheik, the mysterious character who plays such an important role in Link’s quest in the Ocarina of Time? Part of the Sheikah race that populates Hyrule, Sheik comes with the distinctive Sheikah symbol of the eye and tear drop. With Sheik’s face concealed and voice muffled throughout Link’s short encounters with Sheik, very little is revealed about the true origins and nature of Sheik... First 4 Figures is proud to present Sheik, the fourth collectible statue in First 4 Figures’ Legend of Zelda collectible statue series. With a replica harp, the pose captures the mystery surrounding Sheik and her role in Link’s song teacher. Accurately keeping scale with current and future statues in the series, Sheik stands at approximately 9 inches, including the base. Cast in high quality poly-stone, the statue is hand finished and hand painted. Comes packed in a foam interior full colored box with a card of authenticity. Highly li...