The sorceress & the saint
A Flemish models photographer ( but only during the weekends ) send me a PM telling me that as long as i continued to make images with strange costumes, weird headpieces and " other bizarre items " no serious and self-respecting model would even consider working with me because such images simply don't belong in a model's portfolio. And he got me thinking.. because.. he is probably right. And I do make pictures without the things he pointed out.. BUT If a model (m/v/+) takes everything so seriously that they would never consider shoots with fantasy/scifi/historical/horror/.. elements then maybe a collab might simply not be a good idea. I like having fun and doing strange stuff when i feel like it. It’s always good to take a step back and look at your life through a different perspective. O-well, maybe he meant it well and he simply wasn't very skilled in the fine art of Constructive Criticism and basic grammar? So I went to check out his pictures: 70x model in s...