The sorceress & the saint

A Flemish models photographer (but only during the weekends) send me a PM telling me that as long as i continued to make images with strange costumes, weird headpieces and "other bizarre items" no serious and self-respecting model would even consider working with me because such images simply don't belong in a model's portfolio.

And he got me thinking.. because.. he is probably right.
And I do make pictures without the things he pointed out.. BUT If a model (m/v/+) takes everything so seriously that they would never consider shoots with fantasy/scifi/historical/horror/.. elements then maybe a collab might simply not be a good idea. I like having fun and doing strange stuff when i feel like it.

It’s always good to take a step back and look at your life through a different perspective.

O-well, maybe he meant it well and he simply wasn't very skilled in the fine art of Constructive Criticism and basic grammar?
So I went to check out his pictures: 70x model in studio with black backdrop and a white box, 70x model in studio with white backdrop and white box, 70x model outdoors shot at f8 to f16 with a 75-300mm f4-5.6 zoomlens?
Maybe he should have corrected me also for not making 200x the exact same picture or for shooting portraits with prime lenses at openings of f1.2 up to f4.. maybe he'll PM me again to point these "errors" of mine out.. who knows?
Meanwhile I'll just continue having fun and laugh at these 3 Tom Hardy memes


When the sorceress brings strawberries instead of apples

The Saint

Ofcourse you found this image first on Flickr


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